材料- |
标准代号Standard Code 标准名称Standard Name
GB12459 钢制对焊无缝管件 Steel butt-welding seamless pipes fittings
GB/T13401 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plant butt-welding pipes fittings
GB/T14383 锻钢制承插焊管件 Forged steel socket welding pipes fittings
GB/T14626 锻钢制螺纹管件 Forged steel threaded pipes fittings
GB/T10752 船用钢管对焊接头 Steel pipes butt-welding joints for ship
GB*694 伸缩接头 Expansion joints
GB2506 船用搭焊钢法兰 Lap welding steel flanges for ship
GB10746 船和对焊钢法兰 Butt-welding stell flanges for ship
GB9112-9131 钢制管法尘及法兰用垫片 Steel pipes flanges and gaskets
GB/T12465 管路松套伸缩接头 Piping sleeve expansion joints
GB/T14414 套接式管接头 Sleeving pipes joints
SH3065 石油化工管式炉急弯弯管技术标准 Specification for tubes (pipes) furnace sharp bend for petrochemical industry
SH3406 石油化工钢制管法兰 Steel pipes flanges for petrochemical industry
SH3408 钢制对焊无缝管件 Steel butt-welding fittings
SH3409 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plant butt-welding fittings
SH3410 锻钢制承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welded fittings
SY5257 石油天然气行业标准 Petroleum and natural gas industry standard
HGJ10(HG/T21634) 锻钢承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welded fittings
HGJ514(HG/T21635) 碳钢、低合金钢无缝对焊管件 Carbon steel,low-alloy steel butt-welded seamless fittings
HGJ528(HG/T21631) 钢制有缝对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding fittings
HGJ529(HG/T21632) 锻钢承插焊、螺纹和对焊接管台 Forged steel socket welding threaded and butt-welding outlet
HG20592-20635 火力发电厂汽水管道零件及部件典型设计手册 Typical design manual of pipes parts for steam power plant
DL/T515 电站弯管 Bends for power plant
DL/T695 电站钢制对焊管件 Steel pipes butt welding fittings for power plant
SY/T0510 钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welede pipes fittings
SY5257 钢制弯管 Steel bends
ISO3419 非合金钢和合金钢对焊管件 Non-alloy steel and alloy steel butt-welding fittings
ISO5251 不锈钢对焊管件 Stainless steel butt-welding fittings
ASME B16.9 工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件 Factory-made wrought steel buttwelding fittings
ASME B16.5 管法兰与法兰配件 pipes flanges and flanged fittings
ASME B16.11 承插焊和螺纹锻钢管件 Forged fittings socket-welding and threaded
ASME B16.28 锻钢对焊小半径弯头和回弯头 Wrought steel buttwelding short radius elbows and returns
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